Sailing Holidays in Corsica
Make us an offer.
You might get lucky!
For sure we need a few new paying friends each season to help cover our costs. Without them, we couldn't afford to keep the boat. However if we are being paid something like a commercial rate, that also means that we have to work pretty hard. As an alternative, we sometimes take with us people on a much less commercial basis.
The four weeks starting July 20th & 27th and August 3rd and 10th are likely to be full (but who knows). Outside those 4 weeks we might well welcome crew that take the load off us. That means we all share the sailing, and the domestic chores of all kinds, and share expenses.
Make us an offer for a date outside those 4 key weeks and you might get lucky. Tell us more than a bit about yourselves (max 2 couples), why you want to come, your previous experience (if any), and what you will contribute to the trip costs financially. We will give priority to people that convince us that having them with us will be a real pleasure for us as well as for them!
In July and August, we are in the Athens region; in September in the Ionian. You can make a pitch for either!